Q: You’ve recently also added new ability to migrate any environment to Cartika Infrastructure and managed services; how important is it? A: It’s brilliant! Ask anybody else in the industry how long it takes to migrate your infrastructure, and you answer is likely to be in days or weeks. We can do most migrations in a few hours – seamlessly. Cloud migrations from private servers are the most common, but Cartika can now easily migrate you from another infrastructure provider. You don’t have to be ‘locked in’ to a sub-standard or vanilla service. We make it easy for your computing infrastructure to be better.

Migration from ANY Environment!
The following article first appeared February 2018 in SuperbCrew. Cartika provides cloud-based infrastructure and platforms, that are tailored to our customer’s unique needs. To learn more about the company see our recent interview below with Andrew Rouchotas, CEO at Cartika: Q: Andrew, tell us something more about the company? A: Where we’ve made a mark for ourselves is with pro-actively managed infrastructure, and application stacks. As the market needs have become more sophisticated and evolved, so has our focus. Our humble beginnings were in 1999 as an application hosting and support firm, evolving to platform and infrastructure hosting. We added colocation facilities & Network Operations Centers in Dallas and Toronto, with development offices today in Russia and the Ukraine, as well. Q: What made you restructure your offerings? A: Our customers were looking for more than plain vanilla support. They wanted a partner who could solve their problems before they had them. IT departments should be focused on internal applications and support, which keep their teams productive. It isn’t the best use of their time to be managing the computing environment, keeping up with the latest updates, patches and usage trends. We can manage all that for them with greater reliability – and better resource utilization.
Managed Application Stacks
One area we’ve been most active in is developing managed application stacks – preconfigured environments within your infrastructure, optimized for core applications such as WordPress, Magento, and a premium reseller stack. Of course Big Data has also been a prime development area – we tested the waters over the past couple years, and clients couldn’t believe the benefits they realized. Q: You’ve recently announced partnership with Longevity Graphics and Huru; could you tell us something more? A: We are always on the lookout for ways to add value to infrastructure hosting. Our managed application stacks have been a huge area of expansion. As WordPress muscled it’s way into becoming the top website content management system, we developed a managed stack optimized for web hosting. Longevity Graphics can provide our clients with top level web design, strategy and implementation – and then Cartika ensures it all runs smoothly, and provides unified support. Huru is an interesting partnership, that demanded an application stack all it’s own. They bridge the gap between software development and business operations, (DevOps) through automation, code inspection and development infrastructure design. When we met for the first time, light bulbs were flicking on over everyone’s heads as we realized how much more we could do together. DevOps as a managed application stack is something nobody else is doing… yet.
Big Data Analytics
Q: What is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to big data and how do you plan to solve it? A: Big Data was a massive undertaking. Everything from envisioning the colossal capabilities, to narrowing down our view and targets to manageable chunks. We architected the infrastructure to achieve the desired capacity and performance results, and then ultimately, enabled this ‘as-a-Service’ so the overall market can also leverage this platform and allow the mid-market space to enter big data without the immense investments we poured into this platform. For now, Cartika is leveraging big data against all of our managed infrastructure. We will be able to provide a more seamless service to our customers, and become yet even more predictive and proactive in our management approaches.